About Us
Not Your Typical Holding Company
Founded in 2015, Good Place Holdings (GPH) is a holding company with no owners, investors, or shareholders. Typically, holding companies exist to control the ownership interest of other companies. They act as an “umbrella” or “parent” company that reaps the benefits of the profits. That is not how we see ourselves. We turn that idea upside down. GPH functions as the roots of a tree, providing a firm foundation and supporting the well-being of our companies. Our posture as a holding company is inspiring, serving, encouraging, and celebrating.

Leading from the Bottom Up
GPH leads from the bottom up. Thus, leadership takes on the form of stewardship. At GPH, leadership is not about external reward, popularity, or influence for selfish gain. Leadership is about stewardship and sacrifice. It’s about serving—serving people and a greater purpose. Leading from the bottom up ensures the health of the GPH organizations by stewarding the growth and development of the members, taking care of the organization’s people, and managing the systems in which they work.
Transforming Work & Life Culture
God created work as a good thing that impacts ourselves and others and makes the world a better place. When we view our work as God intended it to be, we recapture God’s idea of shalom in our work. It then transforms into a meaningful and fulfilling act. Our work—whether servicing transformers, writing code, farming crops, serving customers, or managing systems—becomes a way to develop character, honor God, and steward God’s creation. Work and life culture can be a transformative place where we build up hearts of love and lives of shalom. That sounds like a good place.

Working with a Deeper Purpose
Many are aimlessly pursuing work without a deeper purpose. Have you ever thought there is more to work than making a lot of money? We believe there is a way of doing business and measuring success that differs from the standard corporate model of business success. At GPH, we believe everything is sacred and has divine meaning and purpose. That’s why people come before profit.
God’s economy operates differently than the world’s economy. Being fruitful and multiplying our resources matters more than stockpiling wealth. These beliefs get us up in the morning, make the world a better place, and build up hearts of love and lives of shalom.
“Ultimately, we are called to steward that which God has entrusted to the people He created. We are to be trustees of His estate and everything in it. We are also called to co-create along with God, continuing to create and enhance creation and return good things from His investment.”
—Chris Young, Chief of Staff
What is a Good Place?
God created everything and said it was “good.” He continues to create and has invited us to join Him in co-creating good places here on Earth. In a good place, we experience life as God intends in these three realms: people, communities, and organizations.
What is a Good Place Organization?
When God created and said it was “good,” that included “work.” Therefore, we can redeem and transform our workplaces and the very nature of our work by applying methods based on principles and values derived from God and His Word.
GPH currently holds six companies within our portfolio that follow the purpose, principles, and values of good places. A Good Place Organization can be a company of any size and from any sector as long as it strives to achieve the flourishing of people, the multiplying of good places in communities, and the faithful stewardship of its resources.
All Good Place Organizations Seek to Inspire the Following:
We live out our philosophy of training, educating, and developing people by honoring and respecting all, regardless of their beliefs, as created in the image of God. This builds a culture and community of organizational life together where people flourish with opportunities and encouragement to grow to their full potential.
We influence communities where we live and work by seeking to multiply the goodness found in God’s design for work and creation. The places where this happens are called “good places.” We strive to build up and multiply good places, and our influence is not limited to our financial resources but also comes through our people, services, products, and methods.
Our commitment to stewardship goes beyond ownership. The resources we’ve been entrusted with are invested and reinvested into GPH organizations and their members to enhance health, growth, innovation, and organizational life. By doing so, more people can experience flourishing, opportunities to grow, and participate in multiplying good places.

Dale Bissonette
Chief Executive Officer

Brian Miller
Chief Financial Officer

Carla Fitzpatrick
Chief People Officer

Chris Young
Chief of Staff

Mark O’Brien
Chief Technology Officer

Josh Mitchell
Chief Marketing Officer

Steve Pittman
Chairman of the Board

Leila’ Love
Board Member

Scott Myers
Board Member

Ace Epps
Board Member

Emily Wells
Board Member

Don Sedlock
Board Member

David Parker
Board Member

Beth Raies
Board Member